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Marty Scurll

Character Nickname: The Villain ​

Character Picture Base: Marty Scurll ​

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 183 lb ​

Manager: none ​

Home Town: Cambridge, England ​

Face/Tweener/Heel: Tweener

Theme Song: "One True Villain" by HotTag Media

Fighting Style: British Technical/ Dirty Brawler

What is your wrestler's favorite type of match?: No DQ/Submission match ​

Common moves: Various Uppercuts, Eye Poke, nutshot, back rake, standard suplex, Tornado DDT ​

Signature moves: Cradle Piledriver, Finger Snap, Tombstone Piledriver ​

Finishing moves: Chicken Wing crossface, chicken wing suplex ​


Wrestler Bio/Background: After two years on the indies working across Europe, Asia and the USA Marty Scurll won titles in countless promotions ranging from Rev Pro to ROH but sick of the lack of competition, Marty has decided to pack up shop and head to the USA or more specifically the NLW to see if he can spread a spot of Villainy amongst the promotion.

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